Diva Olivia’s Insprational Story

Posted on Apr 2, 2014 in Divas | 2 Comments

The oldest of three children and the smallest, family history of high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, addictions, three children of my own my and weight stayed pretty much the same until I entered my 40’s then it started going up and down, then when 45 came it stayed pretty much between 160-177lbs. I grew up eating the same foods as everyone else pretty much, I was a very picky eater if it smelt funny, looked funny I would not eat it. By the time I was 33 I stopped eating pork and beef so I only consumed chicken, fish and turkey. I am a junkie for sweets like cakes, pies, donuts, cookies, chocolate and such. Health wise I was anemia so I stayed cold all the time, I didn’t have HBP or none of that, I had depression, stress, and worry so for the most part I thought I was healthy even though I did drink alcohol, partied, ate whatever I wanted, had strange cravings then in 2007 I became ill gaining weight, in chronic abominable pain which felt like I was having a child, heavy menstruation for four years. In 2011 I had surgery and my health improved gradually and even though I dropped a few pounds, my weight still fluctuated, I was a size 16 wearing extra-large and I wasn’t happy with myself or my look.

I started my get healthy journey August 2013 weighing 167lbs not able to run, always tired, cold and sleepy, couldn’t climb a mountain or lift more than 50lbs weights. My measurements were: Waist 38, Hips 43, Chest 39, Thighs 23, and Biceps 15.

Today I am 151 lbs my goal weight is 135-140 lbs. I can run on the treadmill for at least 2 Olivia: My Before 2008mins, I am doing the stair stepper, and cycling, I can climb the mountain without dying, I can lift 50lbs or more, I have so much energy, I can actually sleep and I am not as cold anymore. I eat more vegetables and fruits than I have in my entire life, I haven’t eaten meat since the start of lent (3/5/14). I’ve tried new veggies, my meals are semi-vegan, I no longer drink sodas or hard liquor (only wine) I juice and drink smoothies instead. I go to the gym at least 4-5 days a week. My goals are to become strictly vegan, learn to cook vegan dishes, and one day compete in a body fitness competition, help others to improve their health and be happy with whom I am becoming and love with myself. I will be Fit; Fabulous and Fifty in December, So I say to you all don’t give up no matter how hard it is you can do it. Give God the Glory! For without him and prayer I would not have come this far…..


  1. Cathy D. Thomas
    April 2, 2014

    Olivia what an inspiring story, best wishes to you as you move forward on your health journey, Thanks for sharing! Blessings.

    • Olivia
      April 13, 2014

      Thank you Cathy Thomas, I take it one day at a time.